

  進入21世紀後個人無線通訊的發展極為快速,各種不同的系統相繼發展,例如:GSM-900、DCS-1800、PCS-1900、IMT-2000、CDMA、WCDMA以及第三代行動通訊(3G)…等。這些個人無線通訊系統因應市場的需求正成指數形式的成長發展中。個人無線通訊的發展過程中,雖然系統中網路規約(Network protocol)與基頻帶訊號處理(Baseband signal processing)是非常重要,但高頻無線傳輸介面仍是不可忽視的一個環節。目前無線介面的研究發展趨勢走向高頻化與積體電路化,高頻微波化可以增加所需頻寬,積體電路化則可以整合到系統晶片,形成所謂的系統晶片(SOC)(System on Chip),兩者皆缺一不可。高頻化使得設計與研究時,模擬設計變得不可忽視,積體電路化使得RF IC(Radio-frequency integrated circuit)開發與應用,變得相當引人側目。對於無線傳輸介面而言,由於系統晶片化的趨勢使得系統愈做愈小,系統晶片化也使得天線設計必須微型化,因此低姿勢平面天線(Low-profile planar antenna)的設計發展變得相當關鍵,本實驗室的初期(2004-2010)研究方向是開發用於行動通訊的微小型天線,已有一些成果發表。(2010-2020)研究方向是開發 RFID標籤與讀取器天線以及用於皮下測溫之微波輻射計系統設計(Microwave radiometer)。


2.成立時間: 2004一月。


4.研究興趣:(1) 微波陶瓷基站濾波器 (2) 3D陶瓷天線設計 (3) VHF/UHF 手持式超寬頻天線設計

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職稱: 教授

研究專長: 微波工程

電子郵件: alexchiu@niu.edu.tw

聯絡電話: (03)9357400 ext.7342




VHF 頻段寬頻帶鞭型天線設計(盟訊實業股份有限公司)
























期刊論文 (Journal Papers)

Ready to start your next project with us? Send us a messages and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

  1. Hong-Bing Tsai, Fan-Yu Liao, Jui-Ching Lin, Chen-An Wang, Hung-Ta Wu*,and Chien-Wen Chiu,*, (2023) "Laser-Induced Selective Metallization on Ceramic Substrate for Antenna Circuits, Applied Functional Materials, Volume(Vol 3, Issue 3), p1~7.
  2. Yu-Jen Chi, Bing-Chao Huang, and Chien-Wen Chiu, (2022) "Noninvasive measurement of subcutaneous temperature using active antenna and high gain low noise microwave radiometer, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume(Vol. 37, No 4), p490~509.
  3. Yu-Jen Chi, Chih-Hsi Lin, Chien-Wen Chiu, (2020) "Design and modeling of a wearable textile rectenna array implemented on Cordura fabric for batteryless applications, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume(Vol. 34, Issue 13, July), p1782~1796.
  4. Jian-Yuan Gong, Chien-Wen Chiu, (2019) "Noninvasive Near-field Array Probe Design for Internal Body Temperature Measurement, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, Volume(Vol. 7, Issue-8, pp. 38-43), p38~43.
  5. Chien-Wen Chiu, Wei-Hsu Wang and Hwang-Cheng Wang, (2018) "Quarter-wavelength printed quadrifilar helical antenna design for UHF RFID handheld reader applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume( Vol. 60, No.2), p742~748.
  6. Jhih Han Hong, Chien-Wen Chiu, Hwang-Cheng Wang, (2018) "Design of Circularly Polarized Tag Antenna with Artificial Magnetic Conductor for On-Body Applications, Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Volume(Vol. 81), p89~99.
  7. Chien-Wen Chiu, Chen-An Ou, and Hwang-Cheng Wang, (2015) "Compact Printed Quadrifilar Helix Antenna for Universal RFID Handheld Reader, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume(Vol. 29, No.7, April), p891~904.
  8. Chien-Wen Chiu, Min-Chuan Tsai, Hwang-Cheng Wang, and Ter-Feng Wu, (2014) "Broadband T-matching loop tag antenna design for on-body UHF RFID applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume(Vol.56, No.5), p1194~1200.
  9. Chien-Wen Chiu, Chen-An Ou, Hwang-Cheng Wang and Yu-Chou Chuang, (2013) "Slot Antenna for UHF RFID Tag Close to the Chest of a Human Body, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, July 2013, Volume(Vol.53, No.7), p1626~1631.
  10. Min-Chuan Tsai, Hwang-Cheng Wang, and Ter-Feng Wu, (2013) "Inductively coupled loop antenna design for UHF RFID on-body applications, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Volume(Vol. 143), p315~330.
  11. Ian-Guang Li, Ming-Hong Lin, Chien-Wen Chiu, and Hwang-Cheng Wang, (2011) "An Antenna System Design for UHF RFID Applications, Bulletin of College of Engineering, National Ilan University, Nov. 2011, Volume(No. 7), p46~63.
  12. Chien-Wen Chiu, Yu-Jen Chi, (2010) "Printed loop antenna with a U-shaped tuning element for hepta-band laptop applications, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Nov. 2010., Volume(Vol. 58), p3464~3470.
  13. Chien-Wen Chiu, Chih-Hao Chang, and Yu-Jen Chi, (2010) "A meandered loop antenna for LTE/WWAN operations in the smart phone, Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, 2010., Volume(Vol. 16), p147~160.
  14. Chien-Wen Chiu, Chia-Shan Li and Chih-Hsiang Yang, (2010) "A Novel Folded-Slot Antenna for UWB applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Aug. 2010., Volume(Vol.52, No.8), p1872~1877.
  15. Chien-Wen Chiu, Chih-Hao Chang, and Yu-Jen Chi, (2010) "Multiband folded loop antenna for smart phones, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2010., Volume(Vol. 102), p213~226.
  16. Yu-Jen Chi, Sheng-Ming Deng, (2009) "Internal quad-band printed antenna for PDA phone, IET Electronics Letters, Volume(Vol.45, No.10, ), p489~491.
  17. 邱建文, Yu-Jen Chi, (2009) "Planar hexa-band inverted-F antenna for portable device applications, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume(第8卷), p~.
  18. 邱建文, Yu-Jen Chi、Sheng-Ming Deng, (2009) "An internal multiband antenna for WLAN and WWAN applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume(第51卷8期), p~.
  19. 邱建文, Chia-Shan Li, (2009) "A CPW-fed band-notched slot antenna for UWB applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume(第51卷6期), p~.
  20. Chien-Wen, Chiu, H. H. Kang, (2008) "Design of CMOS low noise amplifier with transformer-feedback for 5.8GHz WLAN, 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊, Volume(第四期,), p1~18.
  21. 邱建文, , (2005) "EMC Analysis on The PCB of High -Speed Digital Systems, 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊, Volume(第1卷), p~.
  22. 邱建文, , (2005) "EMC analysis on the PCB of high speed digital systems, 國立宜蘭大學工程學刊, Volume(第1卷), p~.
  23. 邱建文, , (2004) "Coplanar Waveguide fed Uni-planar Antenna using a Broadband Balun, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume(第40卷1期), p~.
  24. Shend-Ming Deng, Tzung-Ming Lai, and T. W. Chen, (2004) "A broadband CPW-fed nonuniform folded-slot antenna with a pair of matching slots, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume(Vol.43, No.2), p147~148.
  25. 邱建文, , (2002) "Equivalent circuit parameters of coplanar stripline discontinuities, IEE Proc. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Volume(第149卷), p~.
  26. 邱建文, F. L. Lin, (2002) "Compact dual-band PIFA with multi-resonators, IEE Electronics Letters, Volume(第38卷12期), p~.
  27. 邱建文, , (1998) "Inductance computation for CPW discontinuities with finite metallization thickness, IEE Proc. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Volume(第145卷), p~.
  28. C. W. Chiu , R. B. Wu, (1997) "Capacitance computation for CPW discontinuities with finite metallization thickness by hybrid finite element method, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, Volume(MTT-45, April), p498~504.
  29. F. L. Lin, R. B. Wu, (1995) "Coplanar Waveguide Bandpass Filter – a Ribbon-of –Brick- Wall Design, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, Volume(Vol. MTT-43), p1589~1596.
  30. C. W. Chiu, R. B. Wu, (1993) "A moment method analysis for coplanar waveguide discontinuity inductances, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Volume(Vol. MTT-41), p1511~1514.

會議論文 (Conference Papers)

Ready to start your next project with us? Send us a messages and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

  1. 蔡志昇, 白聖弘與邱建文, "基於專注力模塊與裁切方法下的口罩人臉識別", 2022第15屆 資訊教育與科技應用研討會, 2022.
  2. 呂長鴻, 邱建文, "應用深度學習技術於生技產品-精油之敎學與應用研究", 2021資訊科技應用學術研討會論文摘要集, 2021.
  3. Bing-Chao Huang, Yu-Jen Chi, Muddineni Raveendra, and Chien-Wen Chiu, "Design of Non-invasively Active Patch Antenna Integrated with Microwave Radiometer for Subcutaneous Temperature Measurement", 2021-International symposium on antenna and propagation, (On-line), 2021.
  4. 黃正豐, 王暐捷、蔡志昇、柯景堯和邱建文, "以 Home Assistant 為平台的智慧家庭", 第二十九屆模糊理論及其應用研討會(FUZZY2021), 2021.
  5. Bo Hua Lin, Chien-Wen Chiu, "Non-invasively Active Near-field Probe Antenna Design for Subcutaneous Temperature Measurement", IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition, 2020.
  6. Chien-Wen Chiu, Mao-Sheng Zheng, Jian-Yuan Gong, "Microwave Radiometer for Noninvasive Temperature Measurement of Internal Body", 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2019), 2019.
  7. Chih-Hsi Lin, Chien-Wen Chiu, and Jian-Yuan Gong, "A wearable rectenna to harvest low-power RF energy for wireless healthcare applications", 11th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI 2018), 2018.
  8. Chien-Wen Chiu, Jhih Han Hong, "Circularly Polarized Tag Antenna on an AMC Substrate for Wearable UHF RFID Applications", IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), 2017.
  9. Wei-Hsu Wang, Chien-Wen Chiu, "A Low Profile Printed Quadrifilar Helical Antenna for Handheld UHF RFID Reader", International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communication (ICISPC), 2017.
  10. 林珈緯, 洪祥益、鄭勝杰、邱建文, "利用小數型頻率合成器實現雙點頻率調變系統", WCE2016 民生電子研討會, 2016.
  11. Chien-Wen Chiu, Cheng-Yan Yang, "Miniaturized Tag Antennas with Artificial Magnetic Conductor for UHF RFID on-body Applications", 2015 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 2015.
  12. Chien wen, Chiu, Chen-An Ou, and Xun-Ping Guo, "Cross-dipole tag antenna with AMC for UHF RFID on-body Applications", 2014 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 2014.
  13. 郭訓屏, 邱建文、林秀菊、謝玉麟, "用於4G之單極耦合式手機天線設計", 2014全國電信研討會 National Symposium on Telecommunications,, 2014.
  14. Chen-An Ou, Chen-An Ou and Chien-Wen Chiu, "A miniaturized quadrifilar helix antenna for handheld UHF RFID reader applications", Proceedings of 2013 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2013.
  15. 阮友興, 阮友興、蔡旻全、邱建文、徐瑀浩, "利用訊號抵消觀念設計高隔離度的UHF RFID迴旋器", WCE2013 民生電子研討會, 2013.
  16. Chien-Wen Chiu , Min-Chuan Tsai, "An inductively-feed loop tag antenna close to a human for UHF RFID applications", 2013 IEEE-AP/URSI symposium. , 2013.
  17. 蔡旻全, 蔡秉益、邱建文、阮友興, "T-matching meandered loop antenna design for on human body applications", Proceedings of 2012 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2012.
  18. M. C. Tsai, I. G. Li, C. W. Chiu, and H. C. Wang, "UHF RFID PIFA Array Tag Antenna for Human Body Applications", The 15th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2012.
  19. 蔡秉益, 林明宏、邱建文, "貼於人體上的UHF RFID槽線標籤天線之設計", Proceedings of 2011 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2011.
  20. Ming-Hong Lin, Chien-Wen Chiu, "Human-body Effects on the Design of Card-type UHF RFID Tag antennas", 2011 IEEE-AP/URSI symposium. , 2011.
  21. 李彥廣, 邱建文、王煌城, "用於UHF RFID的多層調整板抗金屬影響之標籤天線設計", Proceedings of 2010 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2010.
  22. Ming-Hong Lin, Chien-Wen Chiu, "A UHF RFID tag antenna design using NIU-ECE Logo Pattern", Proceedings of 2010 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2010.
  23. Chien-Wen Chiu, Chih-Hao Chang, and Yu-Jen Chi, "A compact folded loop antenna for LTE/GSM band mobile phone applications", International Conference on Electromagnetics in advanced applications, 2010.
  24. 邱建文, , "Coplanar waveguide fed uni-planar antenna using a broadband balun", 2003 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 2003.
  25. 邱建文, , "Uni-planar bandpass filter using parallel-coupled coplanar stripline", 2001 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 2001.
  26. 邱建文, , "Inductance computation for various coplanar stripline discontinuities", 2000 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 2000.
  27. 邱建文, , "Quasi-static analysis for coplanar stripline discontinuities", Proceedings of 2000 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2000.
  28. 邱建文, , "Inductance computation for CPW discontinuities with finite metallization thickness", 1998 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 1998.